Create text Get item from Send clipboard to ScrapIt Folder Alias ScrapIt Folder Scrapbook File Macintalk MultiFinder System Other… Sorry, the hotkey you have selected for this item is already in use, please select another one. Registered to: copy registered to: copies registered to: • UNREGISTERED COPY • How to Register… Unregister This Copy… Unregistered Copy ------------------ ------------------------------- -------------------- Function Name “HotKeys” QuickScrap © 1996 by John V. Holder There is no “HotKey” set for this item, please type the “HotKeys” for the selected item or select “Unused” from the popup menu below. Cannot set keys for this option, the Popup option is currently off (click the check box to the left to turn it on). Cannot set keys for this option, there is no Apple Menu Item selected (click the box to the left of the one you just clicked). + SHF CTL OPT CMD QuickScrap must be installed in your System folder and you will need to restart your Macintosh before any changes can take effect. Sorry, there is not enough memory to do this. QuickScrap File (double-click to set) (Unused)